International Women’s Day

I want to share a photo of a woman whose ideologies have inspired, challenged, and endured over the years. This is my mother-in-law, Dawn:

Today marks the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. I want to thank the women I know or am simply inspired by that spark change with fierce compassion, like Eve Ensler, whose work encourages women to speak out and up, or my dear friend Melanie Klein, who educates and inspires from the ground up. I consider myself fortunate to align myself with women like this while I  do my part in affecting change.  Truth is, there’s no time like the present to stand up for what you believe in, whether you call yourself a feminist or not.

May the the winds of courage embrace you.

With love and shutter clicks,


Well, it’s about time, eh?

Whoo! New logo: Check. New site launched: Check. Facebook Fan page: Check. Can I breathe yet?

I have been talking about revamping Sarit Photography for, oh, I don’t know, 3 years. I put it on the back-burner for at least 2 of those years, and then dilly-dallied for the last one. Through the encouragement of some pretty darn amazing people (you know who you are), I got finally got my bum in gear and got to shooting and redoing. Voila, here we are. I’m pretty proud, if I don’t say so myself.

So, here’s the update on Sarit Photography:

  • I am sharing a space downtown with Michelle at Lucy B Lingerie. We’re offering Pinup Packages in that fun, 40s-50s style I love so much. I’m hoping to get some more props to funk things up a bit, and maybe even arrange some outdoor shoots with hotrods and the like. Interested in being a pinup? Email me! Have a hotrod you want to lend to my cause? Email me!
  • I am still working on my body-image project and will be building the “wall of images” soon. I finally have my concept in line, so it’s just a matter of putting it together. I can’t wait for that to get off the ground. Time to stop stalling! If you are interested in being a part of that, please email me for info. I’d like to start shooting in April if possible so I can start showing the work by the end of Summer. The intention behind this is go into book form, the proceeds of which will benefit RAINN and V-Day.
  • One of my favorite and most recent shoots was of Maria Luisa in her 7th month of pregnancy. What an amazing experience THAT was.

In the meantime, please check out the site, “like” the page on Facebook, and even follow me on Twitter. I’m taking over the world, one click at at time!

Love and shutter clicks,